Kingsley Care Homes Take Care of Their Broadband! - ITS Fibre
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Kingsley Health Care is a nationwide large care home group establised in 1999, they have a large amount of care homes and services across the country and are now ranked in the top 20!

Recently Kingsley Care Home moved from an old-style copper line broadband service, over to full fibre line with ITSFibre on the CityFibre network, previously they were unable to get the speeds they needed to run their Lowestoft care home technology efficiently. However, with ITSFibre they are now able to receive speeds of 1GB / 1GB meaning that they can have a seamless working environment.

Here is what James Guest, IT Manager had to say about their experience – “Choosing ITSFibre was a game changer for us. Their lightning-fast speeds and reliable service have transformed the way we work– everything runs seamlessly”.



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